The NDIS Code of Conduct
As a registered NDIS provider, Lighthouse Disability ensures all staff are trained in the NDIS Code of Conduct and how it relates to their work.
The Code of Conduct is a crucial aspect of the NDIS system as it helps to ensure that all participants receive the highest quality of support.
This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the code and its significance.
What is the NDIS Code of Conduct?
The code is a legal regulation that outlines the expectations of how individuals receiving services under the NDIS (also known as participants) should be treated. It aims to provide a standard of support that is built on trust, competency, and compassion.
It also covers the behaviours and actions of anyone engaged in NDIS-related activities, which includes service providers, their employees, volunteers, support coordinators, registered health practitioners, and other organisations.
There are two codes - the NDIS Code of Conduct for Workers and one for Service Providers.
- Download the NDIS Code of Conduct Guidance for Service Providers PDF
- Download the NDIS Code of Conduct Guidance for Workers PDF
If you haven't the NDIS Worker Orientation Module provide a great overview of the Code of the Conduct and your obligations. Read our article on how to access the NDIS Worker Orientation Module.
Here are the seven elements:
1) Act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making in accordance with relevant laws and conventions.
- Deliver services in a way that maintains standards and principles underpinning the NDIS.
- Support people with disability to make decisions.
- Communicate in a form, language and manner that enables people with disability to understand the information and make known their will and preferences.
- Take into account the expressed values and beliefs of people with disability, including those relating to culture, faith, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexuality and age, as well as disability.
2) Respect the privacy of people with disability.
- Comply with Commonwealth and State and Territory privacy laws.
- Deliver services in a dignified way that maintains personal privacy.
3) Provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill.
- Ensure workers have the necessary training, competence and qualifications for the supports and services delivered.
- Provide services consistent with relevant professional codes.
- Meet relevant work health and safety requirements.
- Maintain appropriate and accurate records and follow security procedures.
- Hold appropriate insurance.
4) Act with integrity, honesty, and transparency.
- Recommend and provide supports and services appropriate to the needs of the participant.
- Maintain integrity by declaring and avoiding any real or perceived conflicts of interest.
- Avoid engaging in, participating in or promoting sharp practices.
5) Promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that might have an impact on the quality and safety of supports provided to people with disability.
- Foster an environment where people with disability, their families, carers, advocates and workers feel safe to make a complaint or report issues.
- Operate effective complaints processes.
- Operate effective incident management system.
- Undertake investigative and disciplinary action and comply with external investigations.
6) Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse of people with disability.
- Commit to eliminating any form of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- Identify and respond to incidents of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, and report these to the NDIS Commission and, as appropriate, to other relevant authorities.
- Reduce and eliminate restrictive practices.
7) Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.
- Have in place clear guidance for staff behaviour.
- Operate effective processes for dealing with sexual misconduct.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the NDIS Code of Conduct important?
The Code of Conduct is essential because it provides a framework that every person working in the NDIS needs to follow to ensure that only the highest standard of support is provided to people with disability.
It establishes a set of values and behaviours that support the delivery of quality services and protect the rights of people receiving those services.
Additionally, it ensures the safety and well-being of people with disability, as well as the NDIS workforce.
Here are five reasons why it is important:
- Protection of Participants: The Code safeguards the interests of people with disability receiving supports under the NDIS. It requires providers to always act in the best interests of participants while assisting them in achieving their goals.
- Safeguarding of Participants: The Code emphasises the inherent dignity of participants and requires service providers to show respect and preserve their privacy and confidentiality.
- Accountability: The Code creates an obligation for all service providers, employees, support coordinators and registered health professionals to maintain a level of accountability for their actions.
- Consistent Standard of Support: The NDIS Code of Conduct ensures that participants receive a high level of support irrespective of the provider they choose. The Code also aligns with the expected professional conduct for healthcare practitioners providing services to people with disability.
- Ethical Practice: The NDIS Code of Conduct provides an ethical framework that providers need to abide by.
The Code is an essential aspect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme as it outlines the responsibilities of all service providers.
It ensures providers implement the highest standards to maintain values, ethics, and behaviours that uphold participants' best interests. Maintaining the Code of Conduct ensures a more accessible, safer experience for people accessing the NDIS.
Does each state have its own NDIS code of conduct?
The applies to all service providers and workers nationally. While each state has its own laws relating to the code, the elements are consistent nation-wide.
At Lighthouse Disability we ask all staff to undertake training in the Code and as part of this must pass a test to ensure they understand it.
Further to that, we have developed and enforce our own code of conduct that complements the NDIS version. Together, both Codes ensure our clients receive the best support possible.
We are a registered not-for-profit NDIS provider of supported independent living and plan management.