As we know, the NDIS is designed to provide support for people with disability, ensuring they have access to the necessary services and resources. However, life is full of changes, and circumstances can evolve over time. When should you inform the NDIS about a change in your circumstances? Here's a guide to help you navigate this important aspect of your NDIS plan.
What constitutes a Change in Circumstances?
A change in circumstances could encompass various aspects, including:
- Personal Changes: Changes in health, medical condition, or disability-related needs are significant reasons to update the NDIS. If a disability worsens, or if new health conditions arise, it's crucial to let them know.
- Change in Living Situation: If there is a move to a new address, living arrangement, or accommodation, you should inform the NDIS. Your support needs may differ in a new environment.
- Changes in Goals and Aspirations: Your goals and aspirations may evolve over time. If you have new objectives or priorities, your NDIS plan should be adjusted to align with them.
When to Notify the NDIS
It's essential to notify the NDIS of changes promptly. As a general rule, you should inform them within 14 days of becoming aware of a change in your circumstances. This is crucial for ensuring that your plan remains relevant and effective.
Timely communication helps you avoid interruptions in your support services and funding. It also allows the NDIS to adapt your plan to address your evolving needs and goals.
How to Notify the NDIS
To update your NDIS plan, you can contact your local National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) office, or you can do it online through the NDIS participant portal. The process typically involves providing information about the changes and the reasons behind them.
Remember that you may need to provide evidence to support your request for changes, such as medical reports or documentation related to your new circumstances.
Your Support Coordinator will lead this process, and if it relates to our service, Lighthouse Disability will provide supporting information.
Staying on top of your NDIS plan and notifying the agency of any changes in your circumstances is crucial to ensuring you receive the appropriate funding for support and services. It's always better to be proactive and keep your plan up-to-date so that it aligns with your current needs and goals.
If you're unsure whether a change should be reported, it's a good idea to seek guidance from your NDIS planner, Support Coordinator or you can also give Lighthouse Disability a call on 8256 9800.